速報APP / 汽車與車輛 / Alvins Limousine Service

Alvins Limousine Service





版本需求:Android 8.0 以上版本


Alvins Limousine Service(圖1)-速報App

Alvin’s Limousine Services Chauffeurs are dedicated professionals with years of experience in luxury transportation and other upscale service industries where accommodating high profile clients is the norm. Knowledgeable, highly trained, and well connected, they have the abilities and tools at hand to meet and exceed your expectations.

Alvins Limousine Service(圖2)-速報App

Chauffeurs are carefully screened and receive ongoing professional training. Before being hired, each and every chauffeur is required to successfully complete a comprehensive training course that includes safe driving techniques, pre-trip suvs, emergency procedures, customer service, and grooming.

Alvins Limousine Service(圖3)-速報App